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There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Children are one third of our population and all of our future. ~Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, 1981

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Swim Cap

My sister Caitlin was getting ready for swimming, and Jacob saw her try on her swim cap. He REALLY wanted to try it on. Cait put it on him and he didn't want to take it off. To everyone's surprise, he wore it for the rest of the evening. I never used to like swim caps for the fact that they pulled my hair and I could never get them on quite right. But Jacob loved it. He looks silly in the picture. *He's a cool dude lol.*

posted by Ryan @ 5:15 AM, ,


Yesterday I got Jacob up from his noon nap. I could hear him playing in his room. I usually keep my eye on the clock because he usually has a two hour nap. Anything longer and I am starting to worry and I peek in on him. Lately he hasn’t been asking for me to come and get him. He would just play in his room all day if I let him. I think he is enjoying his Thomas room a little too much. I went in and this is how our conversation went.

Me: “Hi there!”

Jacob: “Moning.”
Me: “Good morning to you too. Did you have a good sleep?”
Jacob: (nods his head) and says: “I’m poopie.”
Me: “Did you poop in your diaper?”
Jacob: " Yes." Then he lays on his back to get changed

I am just amazed at his constant increase in learning. Learning new words, new conversations, new tricks. More than ever I am amazed that he can tell me in his own words that he is poopie. I can usually tell, but this time it was right away as soon as I entered his room. He knows a lot of words.....but now he is having conversations with me!

posted by Ryan @ 11:02 AM, ,