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There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Children are one third of our population and all of our future. ~Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, 1981

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Veggie Tales

Ryan and I were out together earlier this week and found a great bargain at the Superstore! They had Veggie Tales movies there being sold for 2$! So we splurged and bought one lol. Jacob has never seen a Veggie Tales movie, and it has been quite a while since I have seen anything by them too. I figured he would really love it with all the bright colors and fun up-beat music. Sure enough, he LOVED it. He was dancing and singing to the music. I find it so cute watching all babies dance. Any baby likes a good beat!

I want Jacob to grow up in a godly home. I want to watch him grow in his love for God and hopefully want to be a follower of God too. I am glad for these videos because it is the one place where he can get at least some positive influence on television. For any of you who don't know what Veggie Tales is, it is basically a bible lesson acted out in a story by different vegetable characters. They are even funny for adults too! Some, I find myself laughing so hard I can't stop.

Jacob prays with us before each meal and at bed time after we finish singing Jesus Loves Me. He can't quite say Amen clearly yet, the closest he has gotten to it was "memaw" lol he gets that "M" sound anyway. He holds our hands and gets upset when we don't hold hands every time and bows his head. He stays upstairs with us when we go to church for the music, then we take him downstairs. The nursery kids usually go down right away, but he loves the songs sooo much, I just have to make that extra trip when the service starts to take him down. Then when he gets to the nursery he doesn't even look back. He's pretty trusting and ready for adventure I guess. Anyway, to all of you who have never seen any Veggie Tales movies "DO IT"! You won't be disappointed and neither will your kiddos. You'll fall in love with Bob and Larry the tomato and cucumber.

posted by Ryan @ 5:57 AM,


At Mar 22, 2007, 6:36:00 AM, Blogger Wendy said...

Cute! I went to a Christian college in Mass right about the time when the Veggie Tales were coming out! We used to get together with the other girls on the floor and watch any new videos:) LOL!! That's how rowdy us Elementary Ed. majors were!!

At Mar 22, 2007, 2:49:00 PM, Blogger Ute said...

Sounds like fun for Jakob! Im really impressed about the strong faith you have and the strenght you find in that.

I'm roman catholic and I think it is important for our girls to know what values are important for us. We always let them know how we feel about this.

Today in kindergarden they did a song about "Jesus" and about "thank you", that was all they were willing to tell me. I don't know, which song it was. But Louisa loved it so much, she told me all the time about it. She has no idea who "Jesus" is, we never talked about it, I must admit. I guess, it is time to change this.

At Apr 23, 2007, 6:32:00 AM, Blogger Shanilie said...

Wendy: Aww too sweet. I was introduced to them as well at the christian college that I was going to at the time. They are hilarious. Pretty wild girls ;)

Ute: Thank you for sharing that with me. I think in everyone there is something in us searching for something. That is great that Jesus was mentioned at school for the girls in kindergarden. That is awesome. I pray that you will find the direction you are looking for, for the girls. I am glad that my faith is evident when you read my blog. It is something that means so much to me. You will definitely have to get the girls' a Veggie Tales video they will be learning about Jesus in a fun, story telling way.


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