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There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Children are one third of our population and all of our future. ~Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, 1981

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Veggie Tales

Ryan and I were out together earlier this week and found a great bargain at the Superstore! They had Veggie Tales movies there being sold for 2$! So we splurged and bought one lol. Jacob has never seen a Veggie Tales movie, and it has been quite a while since I have seen anything by them too. I figured he would really love it with all the bright colors and fun up-beat music. Sure enough, he LOVED it. He was dancing and singing to the music. I find it so cute watching all babies dance. Any baby likes a good beat!

I want Jacob to grow up in a godly home. I want to watch him grow in his love for God and hopefully want to be a follower of God too. I am glad for these videos because it is the one place where he can get at least some positive influence on television. For any of you who don't know what Veggie Tales is, it is basically a bible lesson acted out in a story by different vegetable characters. They are even funny for adults too! Some, I find myself laughing so hard I can't stop.

Jacob prays with us before each meal and at bed time after we finish singing Jesus Loves Me. He can't quite say Amen clearly yet, the closest he has gotten to it was "memaw" lol he gets that "M" sound anyway. He holds our hands and gets upset when we don't hold hands every time and bows his head. He stays upstairs with us when we go to church for the music, then we take him downstairs. The nursery kids usually go down right away, but he loves the songs sooo much, I just have to make that extra trip when the service starts to take him down. Then when he gets to the nursery he doesn't even look back. He's pretty trusting and ready for adventure I guess. Anyway, to all of you who have never seen any Veggie Tales movies "DO IT"! You won't be disappointed and neither will your kiddos. You'll fall in love with Bob and Larry the tomato and cucumber.

posted by Ryan @ 5:57 AM, ,

100 Things About Jacob

100 Things About Jacob

1. Jacob was conceived in August 21, 2004
2. I was pregnant by our first anniversary and didn’t even know it – he surprised us
3. Jacob was born April 21, 2005
4. Jacob was born 10:21pm after 25 hrs of labor & ended up with a c-section
5. Jacob weighed 7 lbs 14 oz
6. He was 21 inches long
7. Jacob was born with a head full of black hair
8. Jacob breast fed almost 2 exclusive months
9. He ate every 1-2 hours!
10. His cord fell off around 3 weeks of age
11. By a month old Jacob was sleeping 10-11 hrs at night
12. Jacob always slept in his crib except the first few days in a laundry basket
13. Jacob sniffs flowers even if they are in a picture
14. Jacob plays with his toes and goes “wee wee wee” in a squealy voice (you know…the piggy’s)
15. At 9 months of age he went on his 1st airplane ride to Manitoba
16. Jacob doesn’t like sippe cups
17. Jacob had his first ever tooth on top pulled without freezing, he bumped it and it was hanging
18. He still has no top front tooth…you can tell in all his pictures when he smiles
19. He takes 3 hour naps
20. At 22 months he stopped using a bottle
21. He was walking fully by 9 months
22. He loves playing outside
23. Jacob never used a soother
24. Jacob was climbing before he was walking
25. He loves trains
26. He enjoys brushing his teeth …..and mine
27. Jacob won’t go anywhere without his blanket
28. He loves visiting family
29. He never misses me when I leave him at Sunday school
30. He says amen (memo) after we pray before every meal
31. He holds our hands and bows his head when we pray
32. He says his own prayer in gibberish too
33. Jacob loves apple juice
34. He only drinks fresh, crisp, cold milk
35. He likes to choose the clothes he wants to wear each day
36. He has NEVER kept his socks on
37. He loves bath time
38. He knows most animal sounds
39. He knows most of his body parts by name
40. Jacob loves apple sauce
41. Jacob hates peas
42. Jacob hates sweet potato
43. Jacob loves Cheerios
44. Jacob loves Juice
45. Jacob loves chips
46. He loves boiled carrots
47. Jacob is very independent
48. Jacob never minds being babysat
49. Jacob loves running naked around the house after bath time. Thinks it’s a game.
50. Jacob loves water, swimming, and blowing bubbles.
51. He loves mashed potatoes
52. Jacob only ever had 1 stomach flu which wasn’t too long ago
53. Jacob is learning to say new words every day
54. He loves driving his Fisher Price car and honk the horn
55. Jacob loves the movie Shrek 1 and Shrek 2
56. Jacob nods his head yes or no when answering us
57. Jacob just moved into his big boy bed a week ago
58. Jacob loves to color with Mommy
59. Jacob doesn’t have a huge appetite
60. Jacob loves cheese
61. Jacob loves rubbing bare skin
62. Jacob favorite snack is a dill pickle
63. Jacob enjoys carrying logs to the furnace with Daddy
64. His favorite shows are Poko, Lunar Jim and Pinky Dinky Do
65. He enjoys going to the public pool
66. He likes to put his ears under water by leaning back
67. Jacob loves nap time
68. He asks to go nih nih (night night)
69. He can swim all alone with the noodle
70. Jacob enjoys sliding down the couch cushions
71. He sleeps in his big boy bed
72. First outing was to Grammie’s and Granddad’s
73. Rolling side to side approx, July 9, 2005
74. Creeping a week later
75. Was crawling fully by the 25 of November
76. Sept. 7, 2005 first baby food
77. Sept 18, 2005 first vegetables
78. Drinks from cup Feb. 9, 2006
79. First word Da-da
80. When Ryan and I yell across the house Jacob will yell too
81. He hates his night light
82. First tooth in November, 2005
83. You loved us singing Jesus Loves Me Every Night
84. Jacob is always getting into the fridge
85. He likes wearing hair elastics around his arm like a bracelet
86. He likes to put his shoes on
87. He loves playing outside
88. He colors in the lines
89. He likes to play in his bedroom closet
90. He enjoys playing with his toys only if others play with him
91. He pulls the cats hair
92. He has the cutest laugh
93. He never had cradle cap
94. He loves to run around the house – it is open so we run round and round
95. He blows kisses and says bye bye when people leave the house
96. He gives really nice kisses
97. He loves scrambled eggs
98. He loves pancakes with syrup
99. Jacob only cuddles first thing in the morning
100. He’s got the sweetest, kindest smile and eyes you'll ever see

I saw this on a few blogs and decided to try it out too! Yes, I did use a couple of the same ones as the others' because it was true of Jacob also. Hope you enjoyed getting to know Jacob a little better :)

posted by Ryan @ 4:14 AM, ,

Sleeping Update

I just did this post but then my computer froze and I had to re-do it all :( So here I go again….

Jacob has been doing really well the last three nights. I will tuck him in bed, give him a kiss, say night night, then sing Jesus Loves Me. We have never missed a night doing that. It only takes a minute to sing and it really helps him to feel secure, loved and comforted, and to wind down. One of my favorite things to do when he was younger (between birth and one) was to rock together. It even relaxed me! Some days it was the only time we could just cuddle together. Cherish those times because they go way to fast!

Anyway, back to sleeping. Last night was the first night that I heard Jacob get out of bed. I put him to bed around 8:00PM and heard him playing around till about 8:30PM. I didn’t mind too much because I know even when he was in his crib he would talk and jump in it before he would fall asleep. I decided to go up at 8:30PM, put him back to bed, gave him a kiss and said night night. He wasn’t up again till morning. VERY happy.

He has been a little more active during nap time but still is pretty good. Yesterday around nap time I went in about three times and every time I heard him I put him back to bed. I didn’t mind at all. I just sat outside the door and waited. (saw it on Supernanny….actually worked!) And by the third time I put him back in bed and told him to stay in bed he didn’t get out again! This has actually been one of the easiest transitions so far. He has been doing really well. I am thankful. Lets hope it lasts :) I will keep you posted. I find as long as I am rested and getting my sleep I am more patient and less worried about things. Not enough sleep can really make for an impatient mommy which isn’t good. I don’t want to get to the point where I take my frustration out on my children because I am tired. I have seen/heard that happen to other children too many times.

The picture at the top right was taken around 10:00PM right before I went to bed. I used the night time option on my camera. His room was completely dark and as you can see the pictures that I took are brighter than even some of the ones I take during the day with regular light. My pictures as of late have been wayyy to dark. I may have to use the night time option for now on for even my day time pictures if they aren't going to be so dark. I hope so. I can't afford a new camera right now.

P.S. IMPORTANT NOTICE: I was recently reading blogger friend Amber’s blog and she mentioned reading a clip on the baby development website that Jacob is no longer a toddler :(!!!!! He is a pre-schooler. I guess that starts around 2! He is not my little baby, he isn’t even my little toddler anymore :) I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I was just getting used to calling him a toddler. I can tell you that the toddler stage went by way too fast!

posted by Ryan @ 4:58 AM, ,